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A week of budget friendly and (Mostly Pantry Meals)

This is the first blog of this website (*WooHoo*) and it may seem strange that I am talking about budgets and food on a Preparedness website! Well, make no mistake they are all related. A pantry meal is one that uses items that you already have at home in your pantry. And the importance of these types of meals is that if you are ever in a shelter-in-place situation, you will know how to cook meals that your family is used to eating. This is very important because if you have to shelter-in-place, that can be a very stressful situation! But comfort food can have a calming effect on any stressful event! Think Hot Soup on a Cold Day!

Ok, so these were the meals that I planned and cooked last week. Those with a (P) were completely pantry meals.

Homemade Pizza

White Navy Bean Chili (P)

Curried Veggies over Rice

Mango Seitan on Rice (P)

Tortilla Soup (P)

Cheese Enchiladas

I only spent $30 for my grocery shopping. Yes, only $30! Number one, I maintain food storage in my home! Including canned, freeze dried and dehydrated. So I am actually able to go 'food shopping' in my kitchen pantry! Ok, so now the importance of eating foods that are budget friendly ... wait a second, isn't that a silly question. Well if it isnt, the more you can save on your weekly food budget, you can apply the money that you saved to build your household food storage or secure other survival kit items that you might need.

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