The Cry for Clean Water in Flint, Michigan and Beyond

I was pleased this morning to come across an important blog regarding clean water - which is life or death in terms of Disaster Preparedness, and now we are see it is specifically important and in Flint, Michigan as well as other places across the United States. This timely article was written by Valere Jackson and is located on my good friend Shareefah Muhammads' blog "naturesmedicinecabinet" Here is a a little sample.
Filtration of Water
Of course, there are ways to try and use better water such as bottled water, faucet filters, pitchers with filters, whole home filters or even more expensive methods of water filtration. However, if one is truly in tune with lowering their exposure to toxicity there then becomes the issue of most of the water filtration methods using plastic and there is once again another issue with chemical and toxic exposure. Also, how do we know for 100% sure that the purification methods used for the bottled water is what it says it is? And not to be the bearer of all things bad, but what if all water is eventually contaminated beyond any type of filtration where we can’t use it at all for human consumption? .... [to read more, click here]
Make sure to follow Valerie Jackson on Twitter @@aminiaujuzi AND Shareefah Muhammad on Twitter @SisterShareefah